Monday, November 30, 2015

The trial's second session

At 9:40am today, at the opening of the criminal trial of five individuals accused of criminal offences related to the disclosure of confidential Vatican documents and information, the President of the Court of the Vatican City State, Professor Giuseppe Della Torre said that the accused Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui had chosen to replace her aid counsel, Agnese Camilli with a new advocate by the name of Laura Sgrò, who has applied for the concession of termination of defence within the next five days.

Gathered in closed session, the Court has granted a period until December 5, 2015 for the filing of any investigative measures and has fixed the next date of hearing for December 7 beginning at 9:30am local time.

Greetings for Saint Andrew's Day

As part of the traditional exchange of delegations for the respective feast days of Patron Saints - June 29th in Rome for the celebration of Saints Peter and Paul; and November 30 in Istanbul for the celebration of Saint Andrew, Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, is leading the Holy See's delegation for the Feast of the Ecumenical Patriarchate this year.

The Holy See's delegation participated in the Divine Liturgy presided over by Bartholomew I in the Patriarchal Church of Saint George at the Phanar, and in a meeting with the Patriarch as well as in conversations with the Synodal Commission in charge of relations with the Catholic Church.  Cardinal Koch presented the Ecumenical Patriarch a message signed by the Holy Father which was read aloud at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy and accompanied by a gift.

Message of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
addressed to the Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew I

To His Holiness Bartholomaios
Archbishop of Constantinople
Ecumenical Patriarch

Your Holiness,
Beloved Brother in Christ,

A year has passed since we celebrated together, in the Patriarchal Church in the Phanar, the feast of Saint Andrew, the first-called Apostle and brother of Saint Peter. The occasion was a moment of grace which permitted me to renew and to deepen, in shared prayer and personal encounter, the bonds of friendship with you and with the Church over which you preside. It was with joy that I also experienced the vitality of a Church which unceasingly professes, celebrates and offers witness to faith in Jesus Christ, our one Lord and Saviour. I am pleased once again to send a delegation of the Holy See to the Patronal celebrations as a tangible sign of my fraternal affection and the spiritual closeness of the Church of Rome to Your Holiness, as well as to the members of the Holy Synod, the clergy, monks and all the faithful of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

In our profound communion of faith and charity, and grateful for all that God has accomplished for us, I recall the fiftieth anniversary on 7 December 2015 of the Joint Catholic-Orthodox Declaration of Pope Paul VI and the Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I which expressed the decision to remove from memory and from the midst of the Church the excommunications of 1054. The memory of the mutual sentences of excommunication, together with the offensive words, groundless reproaches, and reprehensible gestures on both sides, which accompanied the sad events of this period, represented for many centuries an obstacle to rapprochement in charity between Catholics and Orthodox. Attentive to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, who prayed to the Father on the eve of his Passion that his disciples may be one (Jn 17:21), Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras I consigned these painful memories to oblivion. Since then, the logic of antagonism, mistrust and hostility that had been symbolized by the mutual excommunications has been replaced by the logic of love and brotherhood, represented by our fraternal embrace.

While not all differences between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches were brought to an end, there now existed the conditions necessary to journey towards re-establishing the full communion of faith, fraternal accord and sacramental life which existed among them during the first thousand years of the life of the Church (Joint Catholic-Orthodox Declaration, 7 December 1965). Having restored a relationship of love and fraternity, in a spirit of mutual trust, respect and charity, there is no longer any impediment to Eucharistic communion which cannot be overcome through prayer, the purification of hearts, dialogue and the affirmation of truth. Indeed, where there is love in the life of the Church, its source and fulfilment is always to be found in Eucharistic love. So too the symbol of the fraternal embrace finds its most profound truth in the embrace of peace exchanged in the Eucharistic celebration.

In order to progress on our journey towards the full communion for which we long, we need continually to draw inspiration from the gesture of reconciliation and peace by our venerable predecessors Paul VI and Athenagoras I. At all levels and in every context of Church life, relations between Catholics and Orthodox must increasingly reflect the logic of love that leaves no room for the spirit of rivalry. Theological dialogue itself, sustained by mutual charity, must continue to examine carefully the questions which divide us, aiming always at deepening our shared understanding of revealed truth. Motivated by God’s love, we must together offer the world a credible and effective witness to Christ’s message of reconciliation and salvation.

The world today has great need of reconciliation, particularly in light of so much blood which has been shed in recent terrorist attacks. May we accompany the victims with our prayers, and renew our commitment to lasting peace by promoting dialogue between religious traditions, for indifference and mutual ignorance can only lead to mistrust and unfortunately even conflict (Common Declaration, Jerusalem 2014).

I wish to express my deep appreciation for Your Holiness’s fervent commitment to the critical issue of care for creation, for which your sensitivity and awareness is an exemplary witness for Catholics. I believe that it is a hopeful sign for Catholics and Orthodox that we now celebrate together an annual Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on 1 September, following the longstanding practice of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Your Holiness, it is incumbent upon humanity to rediscover the mystery of mercy, the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness (Misericordiae Vultus, 2). For this reason I have called for an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, a favourable time to contemplate the Father’s mercy revealed fully in his Son, Jesus Christ, and to become ourselves an effective sign of God’s love through our mutual pardon and works of mercy. It is providential that the anniversary of that historic Joint Catholic-Orthodox Declaration concerning the removal of the excommunications of 1054 occurs on the eve of the Year of Mercy. Following Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras I, Catholics and Orthodox today must ask pardon of God and one another for divisions that Christians have brought about in the Body of Christ. I ask you and all the faithful of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to pray that this Extraordinary Jubilee may bear the spiritual fruits for which we yearn. I willingly assure you of my prayers for the events that your Church will celebrate in the year to come, especially the Pan-Orthodox Great Synod. May this important occasion for all the Orthodox Churches be a source of abundant blessings for the life of the Church.

With fraternal affection in the Lord, I assure you of my spiritual closeness on the joyous feast of the Apostle Andrew, and I willingly exchange with Your Holiness an embrace of peace in the Lord Jesus.

From the Vatican
30 November 2015

Francis, PP

Departure from Central Africa

Having concluded the Eucharistic Celebration in the Barthélémy Boganda Sports Complex, the Holy Father traveled by car the M'Poko International Airport in Bangui where, in the presence of the Transitional Head of State, Mistress Catherine Samba-Panza, the Ceremony of Departure was conducted.

Following the presentation of military honours, the playing of the national anthems and greetings having been exchanged between the members of the respective delegations, at 12:32pm, the Pope's aircraft, an Alitalia A330, departed Bangui and headed for Rome.

Telegram of His Holiness, Pope Francis



Francis, PP

The Holy Father's flight was expected to arrive at Rome's Ciampino Airport at 6:45pm local time in Rome (12:45pm EST).

Mass in Bangui

At 9:30am today, in the stadium at the Barthélémy Boganda Sports Complex  in Bangui, the Holy Father, Pope Francis presided over the Eucharistic Celebration for the Feast of Saint Andrew, the Apostle.

Homily of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
for the Mass celebrated at the 
Barthélémy Boganda Sports Complex

We might be astonished, listening to this morning’s first reading, by the enthusiasm and missionary drive of Saint Paul. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! (Rom 10:15). These words inspire us to give thanks for the gift of the faith which we have received. They also inspire us to reflect with amazement on the great missionary effort which – not long ago – first brought the joy of the Gospel to this beloved land of Central Africa. It is good, especially in times of difficulty, trials and suffering, when the future is uncertain and we feel weary and apprehensive, to come together before the Lord. To come together, as we do today, to rejoice in his presence and in the new life and the salvation which he offers us. For he invites us to cross over to another shore (cf Lk 8:22).

This other shore is, of course, eternal life, heaven, which awaits us. Looking towards the world to come has always been a source of strength for Christians, for the poor, for those who are the least, on their earthly pilgrimage. Eternal life is not an illusion; it is not a flight from the world. It is a powerful reality which calls out to us and challenges us to persevere in faith and love.

But the more immediate other shore, which we are trying to reach, this salvation secured by the faith of which Saint Paul speaks, is a reality which even now is transforming our lives and the world around us. Faith in the heart leads to justification (Rom 10:10). Those who believe receive the very life of Christ, which enables them to love God and their brothers and sisters in a new way and to bring to birth a world renewed by love.

Let us thank the Lord for his presence and for the strength which he gives us in our daily lives, at those times when we experience physical and spiritual suffering, pain, and grief. Let us thank him for the acts of solidarity and generosity which he inspires in us, for the joy and love with which he fills our families and our communities, despite the suffering and violence we sometimes experience, and our fears for the future. Let us thank him for his gift of courage, which inspires us to forge bonds of friendship, to dialogue with those who are different than ourselves, to forgive those who have wronged us, and to work to build a more just and fraternal society in which no one is abandoned. In all these things, the Risen Christ takes us by the hand and guides us. I join you in thanking the Lord in his mercy for all the beautiful, generous and courageous things he has enabled you to accomplish in your families and communities during these eventful years in the life of your country.

Yet the fact is that we have not yet reached our destination. In a certain sense we are in midstream, needing the courage to decide, with renewed missionary zeal, to pass to the other shore. All the baptized need to continually break with the remnants of the old Adam, the man of sin, ever ready to rise up again at the prompting of the devil. How often this happens in our world and in these times of conflict, hate and war! How easy it is to be led into selfishness, distrust, violence, destructiveness, vengeance, indifference to and exploitation of those who are most vulnerable …

We know that our Christian communities, called to holiness, still have a long way to go. Certainly we need to beg the Lord’s forgiveness for our all too frequent reluctance and hesitation in bearing witness to the Gospel. May the Jubilee Year of Mercy, which has just begun in your country, be an occasion to do so. Dear Central Africans, may you look to the future and, strengthened by the distance you have already come, resolutely determine to begin a new chapter in the Christian history of your country, to set out towards new horizons, to put out into the deep. The Apostle Andrew, with his brother Peter, did not hesitate to leave everything at Christ’s call: Immediately they left their nets and followed him (Mt 4:20). Once again, we are amazed at the great enthusiasm of the Apostles. Christ drew them so closely to himself, that they felt able to do everything and to risk everything with him.

Each of us, in his or her heart, can ask the crucial question of where we stand with Jesus, asking what we have already accepted – or refused to accept – in responding to his call to follow him more closely. The cry of those who bring good news resounds all the more in our ears, precisely when times are difficult; that cry which goes out through all the earth... to the ends of the earth (Rom 10:18; cf. Ps 19:4). And it resounds here, today, in this land of Central Africa. It resounds in our hearts, our families, our parishes, wherever we live. It invites us to persevere in enthusiasm for mission, for that mission which needs new bearers of good news, ever more numerous, generous, joyful and holy. We are all called to be, each of us, these messengers whom our brothers and sisters of every ethnic group, religion and culture, await, often without knowing it. For how can our brothers and sisters believe in Christ – Saint Paul asks – if the Word is neither proclaimed nor heard?

We too, like the Apostles, need to be full of hope and enthusiasm for the future. The other shore is at hand, and Jesus is crossing the river with us. He is risen from the dead; henceforth the trials and sufferings which we experience are always opportunities opening up to a new future, provided we are willing to follow him. Christians of Central Africa, each of you is called to be, through perseverance in faith and missionary commitment, artisans of the human and spiritual renewal of your country. I repeat, artisans of the human and spiritual renewal of your country.

May the Virgin Mary, who by sharing in the Passion of her Son, now shares in his perfect joy, protect you and encourage you on this path of hope. Amen.

At the conclusion of the Eucharistic Celebration, following words of greeting offered by the Archbishop of Bangui, His Excellency, Dieudonné Nzapalainga, the Pope sent his greetings for the Feast of Saint Andrew to His Excellency, Bartholomew I, the Ecumenical Patriarch.  Pope Francis said:

Before I give the blessing, on this feast of Saint Andrew, from here, from the heart of Africa, I want to send my greetings to my beloved brother Bartholomew, the Ecumenical Patriarch.  I wish him greetings of joy and fraternity, and I ask the Lord to bless our sister Church.

Then, Pope Francis traveled by car to the M'Poko International Airport in Bangui for the flight that would take him back to Italy, at the conclusion of his Apostolic Voyage to Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic.

Visiting the central mosque in Bangui

At 8:00am today, the Holy Father took leave of the Apostolic Nunciature and went to the Central Mosque of Koudoukou - at the Km 5 in Bangui to meet with the Muslim community.

Upon his arrival, the Pope paused in silence before the mihrab, the marble niche which indicates the direction of Mecca, then the five imams welcomed him and accompanied him to the podium which was set up inside the mosque, on the edge of the area reserved for prayer.

Following greetings offered by the Imam of the Central Mosque of Bangui, Tidiani Moussa Naibi, the Holy Father shared the following speech:

Speech of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
at the Central Mosque in Bangui

Dear Muslim friends, leaders and followers of Islam,

It is a great joy for me to be with you and I thank you for your warm welcome. In a particular way I thank Imam Tidiani Moussa Naibi for his kind words of greeting. My Pastoral Visit to the Central African Republic would not be complete if it did not include this encounter with the Muslim community.

Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters. We must therefore consider ourselves and conduct ourselves as such. We are well aware that the recent events and acts of violence which have shaken your country were not grounded in properly religious motives. Those who claim to believe in God must also be men and women of peace. Christians, Muslims and members of the traditional religions have lived together in peace for many years. They ought, therefore, to remain united in working for an end to every act which, from whatever side, disfigures the Face of God and whose ultimate aim is to defend particular interests by any and all means, to the detriment of the common good. Together, we must say no to hatred, no to revenge and no to violence, particularly that violence which is perpetrated in the name of a religion or of God himself. God is peace, God salam.

In these dramatic times, Christian and Muslim leaders have sought to rise to the challenges of the moment. They have played an important role in re-establishing harmony and fraternity among all. I would like express my gratitude and appreciation for this. We can also call to mind the many acts of solidarity which Christians and Muslims have shown with regard to their fellow citizens of other religious confessions, by welcoming them and defending them during this latest crisis in your country, as well as in other parts of the world.

We cannot fail to express hope that the forthcoming national consultations will provide the country with leaders capable of bringing Central Africans together, thus becoming symbols of national unity rather than merely representatives of one or another faction. I strongly urge you to make your country a welcoming home for all its children, regardless of their ethnic origin, political affiliation or religious confession. The Central African Republic, situated in the heart of Africa, with the cooperation of all her sons and daughters, will then prove a stimulus in this regard to the entire continent. It will prove a positive influence and help extinguish the smouldering tensions which prevent Africans from benefitting from that development which they deserve and to which they have a right.

Dear friends, dear Brothers, I invite you to pray and work for reconciliation, fraternity and solidarity among all people, without forgetting those who have suffered the most as a result of recent events.

May God bless you and protect you!
Salam alaikum!

At the conclusion of the meeting at the Mosque, the Holy Father traveled - in the open popemobile - to visit the refugees in some locations near to the mosque, and then visited the school in Koudoukou, where Muslim and Christian children study together.

He then transferred to the Barthélémy Boganda Stadium in Bangui for the celebration of the Mass.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Holy Door is opened in Bangui

This afternoon, Pope Francis arrived at the Cathedral in Bangui for the celebration of the Eucharist with priests, consecrated men and women, catechists and young people, and to officially open the Holy Door and the Year of Mercy in the Central African Republic.  The Year of Mercy will begin on December 8.

The Rite of opening the Door of Mercy began at 5:00pm local time.  Before enunciating the formula for opening the Holy Door, the Pope spoke a few words and paused in silent prayer on the threshold of the door.  Then he entered alone, first, into the Cathedral.

Words of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
pronounced in front of the Holy Door

(In Italian)
Today, Bangui becomes the spiritual capital of the world.  The Holy Year of Mercy begins ahead of time in this land.

(In Spanish)
A land which has suffered from years of war and hatred, misunderstanding and a lack of peace.  But in this suffering land, there are also all countries which have endured the cross of war.

(In Italian)
Bangui becomes the spiritual capital of prayer for the Father's mercy.  We all ask for peace, mercy, reconciliation, forgiveness, love.  For Bangui, for all of the Central African Republic, for the entire world, for the countries which are suffering war, let us ask for peace!  All together, let us ask for love and peace.  All together!

(In the local dialect)
Doyé Siriri!

(Everyone present repeated)
Doyé Siriri!

And now, with this prayer, the Holy Year has begun: here, in this spiritual capital of the world, today!

Following the opening of the Holy Door, the Pope presided over the celebration of the Mass for the First Sunday of Advent.  Inside the Cathedral in Bangui, dedicated to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, there were approximately 2,500 people, including priests, religious men and women, catechists and young people from various parts of the Central African Republic.  Outside the Cathedral, another thousand young people followed te Mass on large television screens.

During the Eucharistic Celebration, following the proclamation of the gospel, Pope Francis shared the following homily:

Homily of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
for the Mass celebrated at the Cathedral of Bangui

On this first Sunday of Advent, the liturgical season of joyful expectation of the Saviour and a symbol of Christian hope, God has brought me here among you, in this land, while the universal Church is preparing for the opening of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, which we inaugurated here today. I am especially pleased that my pastoral visit coincides with the opening of this Jubilee Year in your country. From this cathedral I reach out, in mind and heart, and with great affection, to all the priests, consecrated men and women, and pastoral workers of the nation, who are spiritually united with us at this moment. Through you, I would greet all the people of the Central African Republic: the sick, the elderly, those who have experienced life’s hurts. Some of them are perhaps despairing and listless, asking only for alms, the alms of bread, the alms of justice, the alms of attention and goodness. All of us are looking for God’s grace, for the alms of peace.

But like the Apostles Peter and John on their way to the Temple, who had neither gold nor silver to give to the paralytic in need, I have come to offer God’s strength and power; for these bring us healing, set us on our feet and enable us to embark on a new life, to go across to the other side (cf Lk 8:22).

Jesus does not make us cross to the other side alone; instead, he asks us to make the crossing with him, as each of us responds to his or her own specific vocation. We need to realize that making this crossing can only be done with him, by freeing ourselves of divisive notions of family and blood in order to build a Church which is God’s family, open to everyone, concerned for those most in need. This presupposes closeness to our brothers and sisters; it implies a spirit of communion. It is not primarily a question of financial means; it is enough just to share in the life of God’s people, in accounting for the hope which is in us (cf 1 Pet 3:15), in testifying to the infinite mercy of God who, as the Responsorial Psalm of this Sunday’s liturgy makes clear, is good [and] instructs sinners in the way (Ps 24:8). Jesus teaches us that our heavenly Father makes the sun rise on the evil and on the good (Mt 5:45). Having experienced forgiveness ourselves, we must forgive others in turn. This is our fundamental vocation: You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Mt 5:48).

One of the essential characteristics of this vocation to perfection is the love of our enemies, which protects us from the temptation to seek revenge and from the spiral of endless retaliation. Jesus placed special emphasis on this aspect of the Christian testimony (cf Mt 5:46-47). Those who evangelize must therefore be first and foremost practitioners of forgiveness, specialists in reconciliation, experts in mercy. This is how we can help our brothers and sisters to cross to the other side – by showing them the secret of our strength, our hope, and our joy, all of which have their source in God, for they are grounded in the certainty that he is in the boat with us. As he did with the apostles at the multiplication of the loaves, so too the Lord entrusts his gifts to us, so that we can go out and distribute them everywhere, proclaiming his reassuring words: Behold, the days are coming when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah (Jer 33:14).

In the readings of this Sunday’s liturgy, we can see different aspects of this salvation proclaimed by God; they appear as signposts to guide us on our mission. First of all, the happiness promised by God is presented as justice. Advent is a time when we strive to open our hearts to receive the Saviour, who alone is just and the sole Judge able to give to each his or her due. Here as elsewhere, countless men and women thirst for respect, for justice, for equality, yet see no positive signs on the horizon. These are the ones to whom he comes to bring the gift of his justice (cf Jer 33:15). He comes to enrich our personal and collective histories, our dashed hopes and our sterile yearnings. And he sends us to proclaim, especially to those oppressed by the powerful of this world or weighed down by the burden of their sins, that “Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will dwell securely. And this is the name by which it shall be called, The Lord is our righteousness (Jer 33:16). Yes, God is righteousness; God is justice. This, then, is why we Christians are called in the world to work for a peace founded on justice.

The salvation of God which we await is also flavoured with love. In preparing for the mystery of Christmas, we relive the pilgrimage which prepared God’s people to receive the Son, who came to reveal that God is not only righteousness, but also and above all love (cf 1 Jn 4:8). In every place, even and especially in those places where violence, hatred, injustice and persecution hold sway, Christians are called to give witness to this God who is love. In encouraging the priests, consecrated men and woman, and committed laity who, in this country live, at times heroically, the Christian virtues, I realize that the distance between this demanding ideal and our Christian witness is at times great. For this reason I echo the prayer of Saint Paul: Brothers and sisters, may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all men and women (1 Th 3:12). Thus what the pagans said of the early Christians will always remain before us like a beacon: See how they love one another, how they truly love one another (Tertullian, Apology, 39, 7).

Finally, the salvation proclaimed by God has an invincible power which will make it ultimately prevail. After announcing to his disciples the terrible signs that will precede his coming, Jesus concludes: When these things begin to take place, look up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near (Lk 21:28). If Saint Paul can speak of a love which “grows and overflows”, it is because Christian witness reflects that irresistible power spoken of in the Gospel. It is amid unprecedented devastation that Jesus wishes to show his great power, his incomparable glory (cf Lk 21:27) and the power of that love which stops at nothing, even before the falling of the heavens, the conflagration of the world or the tumult of the seas. God is stronger, more powerful, than all else. This conviction gives to the believer serenity, courage and the strength to persevere in good amid the greatest hardships. Even when the powers of Hell are unleashed, Christians must rise to the summons, their heads held high, and be ready to brave blows in this battle over which God will have the last word. And that word will be one of love and peace!

To all those who make unjust use of the weapons of this world, I make this appeal: lay down these instruments of death! Arm yourselves instead with righteousness, with love and mercy, the authentic guarantors of peace. As followers of Christ, dear priests, religious and lay pastoral workers, here in this country, with its suggestive name, situated in the heart of Africa and called to discover the Lord as the true centre of all that is good, your vocation is to incarnate the very heart of God in the midst of your fellow citizens. May the Lord deign to strengthen your hearts in holiness, that you may be blameless before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints (1 Th 3:13). Reconciliation, forgiveness, love and peace! Amen.

At the conclusion of the Mass, after some words of greeting offered by the Archbishop of Bangui, His Excellency, Dieudonné Nzapalainga, and the final blessing, the Pope returned to the sacristy.  Then, he went to a podium set up in the church yard to begin a prayer vigil with the young people gathered there.

Meeting with members of the Faculty of Evangelical Theology

This afternoon, the Holy Father, Pope Francis traveled by car to FATEB (the Faculty of Evangelical Theology in Bangui) where, at 4:00pm local time, he met with the Evangelical Community.

The Pope was welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty, Doctor Nupanga Weanzane wa W, who accompanied him to the Conference Room in which there were about 400 representatives of the Evangelical Community of the Central African Republic.  Beside the Holy Father stood the Dean of FATEB and the three members of the Interfaith Platform who supported the process of national reconciliation: the Archbishop of Bangui, His Excellency, Dieudonné Nzapalainga, C.S.Sp.; the President of the Alliance of Central African Evangelical Churches (AEC), Doctor Nicolas Guerekoyame Gbangou; and the President of the Central African Islamic Council, Imam Oumar Kobine Layama.

Following the greetings offered by the Dean of FATEB and by the President of AEC, Pope Francis shared the following speech:

Greetings of His Holiness, Pope Francis
to members of the Faculty of Evangelical Theology

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am happy to be able to meet you in this Faculty of Evangelical Theology. I thank the Dean of the Faculty and the President of the Evangelical Alliance of Central Africa for their kind words of welcome With fraternal affection I greet each of you and, through you, all the members of your communities. All of us are here in the service of the risen Lord who assembles us today; and, by virtue of the common baptism we have received, we are sent to proclaim the joy of the Gospel to men and women of this beloved country of Central Africa.

For all too long, your people have experienced troubles and violence, resulting in great suffering. This makes the proclamation of the Gospel all the more necessary and urgent. For it is Christ’s own flesh which suffers in his dearest sons and daughters: the poorest of his people, the infirm, the elderly, the abandoned, children without parents or left to themselves without guidance and education. There are also those who have been scarred in soul or body by hatred and violence, those whom war has deprived of everything: work, home and loved ones.

God makes no distinctions between those who suffer. I have often called this the ecumenism of blood. All our communities suffer indiscriminately as a result of injustice and the blind hatred unleashed by the devil. Here I wish to express my closeness and solidarity to Pastor Nicholas, whose home was recently ransacked and set on fire, as was the meeting-place of his community. In these difficult circumstances, the Lord keeps asking us to demonstrate to everyone his tenderness, compassion and mercy. This shared suffering and shared mission are a providential opportunity for us to advance together on the path of unity; they are also an indispensable spiritual aid. How could the Father refuse the grace of unity, albeit still imperfect, to his children who suffer together and, in different situations, join in serving their brothers and sisters?

Dear brothers and sisters, the lack of unity among Christians is a scandal, above all because it is contrary to God’s will. It is also a scandal when we consider the hatred and violence which are tearing humanity apart, and the many forms of opposition which the Gospel of Christ encounters. I appreciate the spirit of mutual respect and cooperation existing between the Christians of your country, and I encourage you to continue on this path of common service in charity. It is a witness to Christ which builds up unity.

With increasing intensity and courage, may you add to perseverance and charity, a commitment to prayer and common reflection, as you seek to achieve greater mutual understanding, trust and friendship in view of that full communion for which we firmly hope.

I assure you of my prayerful support along the path of fraternal charity, reconciliation and mercy, a path which is long, yet full of joy and hope.

I ask the Lord Jesus to bless all of you! May he bless your communities, and our Church as well! I ask you to pray for me. Thank you very much.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Holy Father, Pope Francis traveled by car to the Cathedral of Bangui for the celebration of the Mass and the Opening of the Holy Door to begin the Jubilee Year of Mercy in the Central African Republic.

A visit to a refugee camp

At 12:15pm today, the Holy Father, Pope Francis went to visit at a refugee camp near the parish of St. Sauveur in Bangui.

The Pope was welcomed by many children who are resident in the camp.

Impromptu speech of His Holiness, Pope Francis
to residents of the refugee camp in Bangui

I greet all of you who are here.

I want to tell you that I have read what the children have written (on the signs): peace, forgiveness, unity and many other things .... love.  We should work and pray and do all we can for the sake of peace.  But peace without love, without friendship, without tolerance, without forgiveness ... isn't possible.  Every one of us has to do something.  My wish for all of you, for all Central Africans is peace, peace between you ... so that you can live in peace with everyone, regardless of ethnicity, culture, religion or social status.  Everyone at peace with others!  Everyone!  Because we are all brothers and sisters.  I would be so happy if we could all say together: We are all brothers and sisters. (The crowd repeated: We are all brothers and sisters).  Once more! (We are all brothers and sisters).  Because of this, because we are all brothers and sisters, we want to live in peace.

I will give you the Lord's blessing.  May the Lord bless you all: in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Pray for me!  Pray for me, did you hear me? (Yes)

Speaking to leaders in Bangui

The aircraft carrying the Holy Father, Pope Francis landed at the M'poko International Airport in Bangui at 10:00am this morning (4:00am EST), after a flight of less than three hours.

At the airport, the welcoming ceremony was held.  The Pope was welcomed by the transitional Head of State of the Central African Republic, Mistress Catherine Samba-Panza, and by the Apostolic Nuncio, His Excellency, Franco Coppola.  Also present were some State Authorities, the Bishops of that country and a representative group of the faithful.

Following the playing of the national anthems and the presentation of military honours, the respective delegations were introduced to one another.  Then, the Holy Father and the interim Head of State met briefly in the Presidential Lounge at the airport.

From the M'poko airport in Banui, the Holy Father went immediately to pay a courtesy visit to the transitional Head of State of the Central African Republic, Mistress Catherine Samba-Panza.

Upon his arrival at the Presidential Palace, following the playing of the national anthems, and homage to the flag, the Pope was welcomed by the Head of State who accompanied him to the study for a private meeting.  Meanwhile, a separate meeting was held, involving the members of the Vatican delegation and that of the Government of Central Africa.

At the conclusion of the private exchange, Mistress Catherine Samba-Panza's family was admitted in order that they might meet the Holy Father; then there was an exchange of gifts.

At 11:30am, the Holy Father met with State Authorities, the Ruling Class and the Diplomatic Corps of the Central African Republic in the courtyard outside the Presidential Palace - the Renaissance Palace - in Bangui.

Following a discourse offered by the Transitional Head of State of the Central African Republic, Mistress Catherine Samba-Panza, the Pope shared the following speech:

Speech of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
to State Authorities, the Ruling Class and
members of the Diplomatic Corps

Madam Interim Head of State,
Distinguished Authorities,
Members of the Diplomatic Corps,
Representatives of International Organizations,

My Brother Bishops,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am happy to be here with you. I would first like to express my appreciation for your warm hospitality and to thank Madam Interim Head of State for her kind words of welcome. In this place, which is in some sense the home of all Central Africans, I am pleased to express, through you and the other authorities of the country present, my affection and spiritual closeness to all your fellow citizens. I would like also to greet the members of the Diplomatic Corps and the representatives of the International Organizations, whose work recalls the ideal of solidarity and cooperation which needs to be cultivated between peoples and nations.

As the Central African Republic progressively moves, in spite of difficulties, towards the normalization of its social and political life, I come to this land for the first time, following my predecessor Saint John Paul II. I come as a pilgrim of peace and an apostle of hope. For this reason, I express my appreciation of the efforts made by the different national and international authorities, beginning with Madam Interim Head of State, to guide the country to this point. It is my fervent wish that the various national consultations to be held in coming weeks will enable the country to embark serenely on new chapter of its history.

To brighten the horizon, there is the motto of the Central African Republic, which translates the hope of pioneers and the dream of the founding fathers: Unity-Dignity-Labour. Today, more than ever, this trilogy expresses the aspirations of each Central African. Consequently, it is a sure compass for the authorities called to guide the destiny of the country. Unity, dignity, labour! Three very significant words, each of which represents as much a building project as an unending programme, something to be ceaselessly crafted.

First unity. This, we know, is a cardinal value for the harmony of peoples. It is to be lived and built up on the basis of the marvellous diversity of our environment, avoiding the temptation of fear of others, of the unfamiliar, of what is not part of our ethnic group, our political views or our religious confession. Unity, on the contrary, calls for creating and promoting a synthesis of the richness which each person has to offer. Unity in diversity is a constant challenge, one which demands creativity, generosity, self-sacrifice and respect for others.

Then, dignity. This moral value is rightly synonymous with the honesty, loyalty, graciousness and honour which characterize men and women conscious of their rights and duties, and which lead them to mutual respect. Each person has dignity. I was interested to learn that Central Africa is the country of the Zo kwe zo, the country where everybody is somebody. Everything must be done to protect the status and dignity of the human person. Those who have the means to enjoy a decent life, rather than being concerned with privileges, must seek to help those poorer than themselves to attain dignified living conditions, particularly through the development of their human, cultural, economic and social potential. Consequently, access to education and to health care, the fight against malnutrition and efforts to ensure decent housing for everyone must be at the forefront of a development concerned for human dignity. In effect, our human dignity is expressed by our working for the dignity of our fellow man.

Finally, labour. It is by working that you are able to improve the lives of your families. Saint Paul tells us that children ought not to lay up for their parents, but parents for their children (2 Cor 12:14). The work of parents expresses their love for their children. And you again, Central Africans, can improve this marvellous land by wisely exploiting its many resources. Your country is located in a region considered to be one of the two lungs of mankind on account of its exceptionally rich biodiversity. In this regard, echoing my Encyclical Laudato Si’, I would like particularly to draw the attention of everyone, citizens and national leaders, international partners and multinational societies, to their grave responsibility in making use of environmental resources, in development decisions and projects which in any way affect the entire planet. The work of building a prosperous society must be a cooperative effort. The wisdom of your people has long understood this truth, as seen in the proverb: The ants are little, but since they are so many, they can bring their hoard home.

It is no doubt superfluous to underline the capital importance of upright conduct and administration on the part of public authorities. They must be the first to embody consistently the values of unity, dignity and labour, serving as models for their compatriots.

The history of the evangelization of this land and the socio-political history of this country attest to the commitment of the Church in promoting the values of unity, dignity and labour. In recalling the pioneers of evangelization in the Central African Republic, I greet my brother bishops, who now carry on this work. With them, I express once more the readiness of the local Church to contribute even more to the promotion of the common good, particularly by working for peace and reconciliation. Working for peace and reconciliation. I do not doubt that the Central African authorities, present and future, will work tirelessly to ensure that the Church enjoys favourable conditions for the fulfilment of her spiritual mission. In this way she will be able to contribute increasingly to promoting the good of every man and of the whole man (Populorum Progressio, 14), to use the felicitous expression of my predecessor, Blessed Paul VI, who fifty years ago was the first Pope of modern times to come to Africa, to encourage and confirm the continent in goodness at the dawn of a new age.

For my part, I express my appreciation for the efforts made by the international community, represented here by the Diplomatic Corps and the members of the various Missions of the International Organizations. I heartily encourage them to continue along the path of solidarity, in the hope that their commitment, together with the activity of the Central African authorities, will help the country to advance, especially in the areas of reconciliation, disarmament, peacekeeping, health care and the cultivation of a sound administration at all levels.

To conclude, I would like to express once more my joy to visit this marvellous country, located in the heart of Africa, home to a people profoundly religious and blessed with so much natural and cultural richness. Here I see a country filled with God’s gifts! May the Central African people, its leaders and its partners, always appreciate the value of these gifts by working ceaselessly for unity, human dignity and a peace based on justice. May God bless you all! Thank you.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Head of State introduced her closest collaborators to the Holy Father.  Then Pope Francis traveled by car to the St. Sauveur Refugee Camp in Bangui.

New beginnings for a new liturgical year

Here is the text of the homily I prepared for the First Sunday of Advent: new beginnings, new opportunities for giving thanks.

Your redemption is drawing near

Today, we celebrate the first Sunday of Advent, and the beginning of a new liturgical year.  As we do, the scripture passages we have just heard challenge us to pay attention to the signs of our times and to look forward in hope.

Saint Luke tells us what Jesus pointed out to his disciples: There will be signs in the sun, the moon and the stars (Lk 21:25).  These signs are apparent to us today too.  Pope Francis has called repeatedly for the world to pay attention to protecting our common home, which is being increasingly damaged by a society that is being viewed more and more as disposable; where people focus increasingly on financial profit to the neglect of the value of the human person.  As if in response to the Pope’s warnings, the world’s political leaders will soon be gathering in Paris for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21).  There, they hope to negotiate a new international agreement that will determine the future of the world’s climate.

We ourselves might be tempted to think that we are powerless when it comes to making a difference for the sake of our climate, but this is not true.  Jesus tells us all to be on guard, so that our hearts are not weighed down … with the worries of this life (Lk 21:34).  Instead, we should be alert at all times (Lk 21:36) so that we can identify the need for change in our lives and be willing to do what we can to make a difference.  What better time can there be than the beginning of a new liturgical year to set goals for ourselves: goals that will make a difference, goals that will allow us to be increasingly aware of the little things we can do to help create a climate of change.  As you entered the church today, you received a copy of a pledge card which gives you some concrete ideas about how each one of us can make a difference, and at the end of this homily, we will allow you some time to complete these cards.  We would then ask you to deposit them in the collection baskets so that they can be forwarded to the offices of Development as Peace as our pledge to do what we can to be agents of positive change.

Speaking of new beginnings, there are two children who will celebrate a new beginning in their lives this weekend.  They are twin girls and their parents have asked us to accept them as part of our family of faith.  At the 11:00am Mass today, they will be baptized.  Sarah and Emma’s parents are counting on us to help them to provide their newborn baby girls with examples of faith so that they will grow to know God, to love Jesus his son and to be aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

The prophet Isaiah foretold the coming of a righteous Branch that would spring up (cf Jer 33:15), a new beginning of hope and joy for all God’s people.  This promise was fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ who showed us the way to the kingdom, who loved the disciples and all of us even to the point of shedding his blood for us, but not before leaving us the gift of the Eucharist that we share around this table.

Because Jesus loved us, we too can increase and abound in love for one another, just as he abounded in love for us.  Jesus strengthens our hearts in holiness (cf 1 Thes 3:12-13) and feeds us with his own body and blood so that we in turn can live as examples of faith and joy for the sake of our brothers and sisters.  We receive this divine food each time we gather for the celebration of the Eucharist. 

I’m not sure whether you have noticed, but there are special vessels that we use only for the celebration of the Lord’s supper.  Since the chalice (the cup we use) and the paten (the plate used to hold the host) are used for the consecration of these holy gifts, we reserve them permanently for the celebration of the Eucharist.  This weekend, we will begin using a new paten, new chalices and a new corporal (the cloth on which we place the body and blood of the Lord) at all the Masses, so we will bless them after the Prayers of the Faithful, consecrating them so that they can be reserved exclusively for the celebration of the Eucharist.  This is yet another new beginning in the life of our community. 

Let us ask the Lord to help us celebrate this new beginning with joy and to be increasingly aware of the gift of his love for us in the coming year.

From Uganda to the Central African Republic

This morning, the Holy Father left the Apostolic Nunciature in Kampala and traveled by car to the international airport in Entebbe, where shortly after 9:00am local time, the departure ceremony was held.

Welcomed by the President of the Republic, Mister Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, following the presentation of military honours, the playing of the national anthems and greetings shared between the members of the respective delegations, at 9:30am, the Holy Father's plane (an Alitalia A330) departed Entebbe, bound for Bangui, in the Central African Republic.

At the moment of leaving the Ugandan territory and passing through the airspace above the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Holy Father, Pope Francis sent the following messages respectively to the Heads of State of those countries.




Francis, PP

Democratic Republic of Congo



Francis, PP

Saturday, November 28, 2015

With priests, religious and seminarians in Kampala

At 7:00pm today, the Holy Father, Pope Francis met with priests, religious men and women and seminarians in the Cathedral in Kampala.

Upon his arrival, the Pope was welcomed by the Rector of the Cathedral.  Following a word of greeting offered by the Bishop who is responsible for Religious Life, His Excellency, John Baptist Kaggwa, and the witness of a priest, a female religious and a seminarian, the Holy Father shared an impromptu speech, leaving his prepared speech for future reference.

Impromptu speech of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
offered to priests, religious men and women and seminarians
in Kampala, Uganda

(translation in progress)

Prepared speech of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
for the meeting with priests, religious men and women and seminarians
Cathedral of Kampala, Uganda

Dear Brother Priests, Religious and Seminarians,

I am happy to be with you, and I thank you for your cordial welcome. I especially thank the speakers for bearing witness to your hopes and concerns, and, above all, the joy which inspires you in your service to God’s people in Uganda.

I am pleased, too, that our meeting takes place on the eve of the First Sunday of Advent, a season which invites us to look to new beginnings. This Advent we are also preparing to cross the threshold of the extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy which I have called for the whole Church.

As we approach the Jubilee of Mercy, I would ask you two questions. First: who are you, as priests or future priests, and as consecrated persons? In one sense, the answer is an easy one: surely you are men and women whose lives have been shaped by a personal encounter with Jesus Christ (Evangelii Gaudium, 3). Jesus has touched your hearts, called you by name, and asked you to follow him with an undivided heart in the service of his holy people.

The Church in Uganda has been blessed, in its short yet venerable history, with a great cloud of witnesses – lay faithful, catechists, priests and religious – who forsook everything for the love of Jesus: homes, families, and, in the case of the martyrs, their own lives. In your own lives, whether in the priestly ministry or in your religious consecration, you are called to carry on this great legacy, above all with quiet acts of humble service. Jesus wants to use you to touch the hearts of yet other people: he wants to use your mouths to proclaim his saving word, your arms to embrace the poor whom he loves, your hands to build up communities of authentic missionary disciples. May we never forget that our yes to Jesus is a yes to his people. Our doors, the doors of our churches, but above all the doors of our hearts, must constantly be open to God’s people, our people. For that is who we are.

A second question I would ask you tonight is: What more are you called to do in living your specific vocation? Because there is always more that we can do, another mile to be walked on our journey.

God’s people, indeed all people, yearn for new life, forgiveness and peace. Sadly, there are many troubling situations in our world for which we must pray, beginning with realities closest to us. I pray especially for the beloved people of Burundi, that the Lord may awaken in their leaders and in society as a whole a commitment to dialogue and cooperation, reconciliation and peace. If we are to accompany those who suffer, then like the light passing through the stained glass windows of this Cathedral, we must let God’s power and healing pass through us. We must first let the waves of his mercy flow over us, purify us, and refresh us, so that we can bring that mercy to others, especially those on the peripheries.

All of us know well how difficult this can be. There is so much work to be done. At the same time, modern life also offers so many distractions which can dull our consciences, dissipate our zeal, and even lure us into that spiritual worldliness which eats away at the foundations of the Christian life. The work of conversion – that conversion which is the heart of the Gospel of Jesus (cf Mk 1:15) – must be carried out each day, in the battle to recognize and overcome those habits and ways of thinking which can fuel spiritual complacency. We need to examine our consciences, as individuals and as communities.

As I mentioned, we are entering the season of Advent, which is a time of new beginnings. In the Church we like to say that Africa is the continent of hope, and with good reason. The Church in these lands is blessed with an abundant harvest of religious vocations. This evening I would offer a special word of encouragement to the young seminarians and religious present. The Lord’s call is a source of joy and a summons to serve. Jesus tells us that it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks (Lk 6:45). May the fire of the Holy Spirit purify your hearts, so that you can be joyful and convincing witnesses to the hope of the Gospel. You have a beautiful word to speak! May you always speak it, above all, by the integrity and conviction of your lives.

Dear brothers and sisters, my visit to Uganda is brief, and today was a very long day! But I consider our meeting tonight to be the crowning of this beautiful day when I was able to go as a pilgrim to the Shrine of the Uganda Martyrs at Namugongo, and to meet with the many young people who are the future of the nation and our Church. Truly I leave Africa with great hope in the harvest of grace which God is preparing in your midst! I ask all of you to pray for an outpouring of apostolic zeal, for joyful perseverance in the calling you have received, and, above all, for the gift of a pure heart ever open to the needs of all our brothers and sisters. In this way the Church in Uganda will truly prove worthy of its glorious heritage and face the challenges of the future with sure hope in Christ’s promises. I will remember all of you in my prayers, and I ask you, please, to pray for me!

At the conclusion of this meeting, the Holy Father returned by car to the Apostolic Nunciature in Kampala.

Visiting with those in need

Following the meeting with young people this afternoon, the Holy Father, Pope Francis paid a visit to the Nalukolongo Bakateyambma Home, a house of charity founded in 1978 by the first Ugandan Cardinal, His Eminence, Emmanuel Kiwanuka Nsubuga, who is buried there.  This institute welcomes and cares for one hundred poor people of every religious confession and regardless of their age, from early childhood to old age.

Arriving there shortly after 3:00pm, the Holy Father was welcomed by the Superior of the care centre which is entrusted to the Good Samaritan Sisters.

In the square outside the House in Nalukolongo, the Bishop in charge of Pastoral Ministry for matters of Health, His Excellency, Robert Muhiirwa presented the place and the people who come also from other similar institutions, then the Pope, before visiting with the sick and the poor in the House, spoke with those who were gathered.

Speech of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
to residents of the Nalukolongo Bakateyambma Home

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your warm welcome. I wanted very much to visit this House of Charity, which Cardinal Nsubuga founded here in Nalukolongo. This is a place which has always been associated with the Church’s outreach to the poor, the handicapped, the sick. Here, in early times, slave children were ransomed and women received religious instruction. I greet the Good Samaritan Sisters who carry on this fine tradition, and I thank them for their years of quiet and joyful service in this apostolate. And here, Jesus is present here, because he said that he would always be present among the poor, the sick, convicts, the destitute, those who suffer. Jesus is here.

I also greet the representatives of the many other apostolic groups who serve the needs of our brothers and sisters in Uganda. Above all, I greet the residents of this home and others like it, and all who benefit from these works of Christian charity. For this is a home. Here you can find love and care; here you can feel the presence of Jesus, our brother, who loves each of us with God’s own love.

Today, from this Home, I appeal to all parishes and communities in Uganda – and the rest of Africa – not to forget the poor, not to forget the poor! The Gospel commands us to go out to the peripheries of society, and to find Christ in the suffering and those in need. The Lord tells us, in no uncertain terms, that is what he will judge us on! How sad it is when our societies allow the elderly to be rejected or neglected! How wrong it is when the young are exploited by the modern-day slavery of human trafficking! If we look closely at the world around us, it seems that, in many places, selfishness and indifference are spreading. How many of our brothers and sisters are victims of today’s throwaway culture, which breeds contempt above all towards the unborn, the young and the elderly!

As Christians, we cannot simply stand by, stand by watching what is happening, without doing anything. Something must change! Our families need to become ever more evident signs of God’s patient and merciful love, not only for our children and elders, but for all those in need. Our parishes must not close their doors, or their ears, to the cry of the poor. This is the royal road of Christian discipleship. In this way we bear witness to the Lord who came not to be served, but to serve. In this way we show that people count more than things, that who we are is more important than what we possess. For in those whom we serve, Christ daily reveals himself and prepares the welcome which we hope one day to receive in his eternal kingdom.

Dear friends, by simple gestures, by simple prayerful actions which honour Christ in the least of his brothers and sisters, we can bring the power of his love into our world, and truly change it. I thank you once more for your generosity and love. I will remember you always in my prayers and I ask you, please, to pray for me. I commend all of you to the loving protection of Mary, our Mother, and I give you my blessing.

Omukama Abakuume
God protect you!

Returning to the Archbishop's Residence in Kampala, at 6:00pm this evening, the Holy Father, Pope Francis met with the Bishops of Uganda.  Following a few words of greeting offered by the President of the Episcopal Conference, His Excellency, John Baptist Odama, Archbishop of Gulu, the Pope met privately with the Bishops of Uganada, in the presence of the Cardinals and Bishops who are part of the Papal party.

His Holiness then traveled by car to the Cathedral of Kampala for a meeting with priests, religious men and women and seminarians.

With young people at the Kololo Airstrip

This afternoon, the Holy Father, Pope Francis left the Apostolic Nunciature and traveled by car to the Kololo Airstrip in Kampala (a former airport which houses large events) for a meeting with young people.

The Pope circulated among the youth in the popemobile in order to greet all the faithful who had been waiting since the morning hours and who had followed the celebration of the Mass at Namugongo, celebrated in honour of the Martyrs of Ugana, on jumbo screens.

At 3:30pm, the Holy Father was welcomed to the stage by some civil Authorities who are responsible for educational institutions and for sports.  With the Archbishop of Kampala, His Excellency, Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, and the Bishop in charge of the Pastoral Activities of the Laity, His Excellency, Paul Ssemogerere, there were also present on the stage a hundred young people from all the dioceses in Uganda and a group of orphans.  A special section was set aside for deaf youth, young refugees and the chaplains responsible for youth ministry.

The meeting began with some songs and dancing, a greeting by His Excellency, Paul Ssenogerere and the testimonials of two young people.

The Holy Father, having listened to the testimonials, then shared an impromptu speech with the youth, and left his prepared speech to be distributed at a later time.

Impromptu speech of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
for the gathering with youth in Kampala

(translation in progress)

Prepared speech of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
for the gathering with youth in Kampala

Holy Father
Omukama Mulungi!
God is good!

Young people
Obudde bwonna!
For ever and ever!

Dear Young Friends,

I am happy to be here and to share these moments with you. I greet my brother bishops and the civil authorities present, and I thank Bishop Paul Ssemogerere for his words of welcome. The testimonies of Winnie and Emmanuel confirm my impression that the Church in Uganda is alive with young people who want a better future. Today, if you will allow me, I want to confirm you in your faith, encourage you in your love, and in a special way, strengthen you in your hope.

Christian hope is not simply optimism; it is much more. It is rooted in the new life we have received in Jesus Christ. Saint Paul tells us that hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love was poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit at our baptism (cf Rom 5:5). This hope enables us to trust in Christ’s promises, to trust in the power of his love, his forgiveness, his friendship. That love opens the door to new life. Whenever you experience a problem, a setback, a failure, you must anchor your heart in that love, for it has the power to turn death into life and to banish every evil.

So this afternoon I would invite you, first of all, to pray for this gift to grow within you, and for the grace to become messengers of hope. There are so many people around us who experience deep anxiety and even despair. Jesus lifts these clouds, if we allow him to.

I would also like to share with you a few thoughts about some of the obstacles which you may encounter on our journey of hope. All of you want a better future, employment, health and prosperity. This is good. You want to share your gifts, your aspirations and your enthusiasm with others, for the good of the nation and of the Church. This too is very good. But when you see poverty, when you experience a lack of opportunity, when you experience failure in your lives, sometimes a feeling of despair can grow. You can be tempted to lose hope.

Have you ever seen a little child who stops in front of a dirty puddle on the path ahead of him? A puddle he cannot leap over or go around? He may try but then he stumbles and gets soaked. Then, after many attempts, he calls out to his father, who takes his hand and swings him over to the other side. We are like that child. Life presents us with many dirty puddles. But we don’t have to overcome all those problems and hurdles on our own. God is there to take our hand, if only we call on him.

What I am saying is that all of us have to be like that little child, even the Pope! For it is only when we are small and humble that we are not afraid to call out to our Father. If you have experienced his help, you know what I am speaking about. We need to learn to put our hope in him, knowing that he is always there for us. He gives us confidence and courage. But – and this is important – it would be wrong not to share this beautiful experience with others. It would be wrong for us not to become messengers of hope for others.

There is one particular puddle which can be frightening to young people who want to grow in their friendship with Christ. It is the fear of failing in our commitment to love, and above all, failing in that great and lofty ideal which is Christian marriage. You may be afraid of failing to be a good wife and mother, failing to be a good husband and father. If you are looking at that puddle, you may even see your weaknesses and fears reflected back to you. Please, don’t give in to them! Sometimes these fears come from the devil who does not want you to be happy. No! Call out to God, extend your hearts to him and he will lift you in his arms and show you how to love. I ask young couples in particular to trust that God wants to bless their love and their lives with his grace in the sacrament of marriage. God’s gift of love is at the heart of Christian marriage, not the costly parties which often obscure the deep spiritual meaning of this day of joyful celebration with family and friends.

Finally, one puddle that we all have to face is the fear of being different, of going against the grain in a society which puts increasing pressure on us to embrace models of gratification and consumption alien to the deepest values of African culture. Think about it! What would the Uganda martyrs say about the misuse of our modern means of communication, where young people are exposed to images and distorted views of sexuality that degrade human dignity, leading to sadness and emptiness? What would be the Uganda martyrs’ reaction to the growth of greed and corruption in our midst? Surely they would appeal to you to be model Christians, confident that your love of Christ, your fidelity to the Gospel, and your wise use of your God-given gifts can only enrich, purify and elevate the life of this country. They continue to show you the way. Do not be afraid to let the light of your faith shine in your families, your schools and your places of work. Do not be afraid to enter into dialogue humbly with others who may see things differently.

Dear young friends, when I look at your faces I am filled with hope: hope for you, hope for your country, and hope for the Church. I ask you to pray that the hope which you have received from the Holy Spirit will continue to inspire your efforts to grow in wisdom, generosity and goodness. Don’t forget to be messengers of that hope! And don’t forget that God will help you to cross whatever puddles you meet along the way!

Hope in Christ and he will enable you to find true happiness. And if you find it hard to pray, if you find it hard to hope, do not be afraid to turn to Mary, for she is our Mother, the Mother of Hope. Finally, please, do not forget to pray for me! God bless you all!

At the conclusion of the meeting, following the offering of gifts and the final blessing, Pope Francis left the Kololo Airstrip and traveled by car to Nalukolongo where he visited the House of Charity.

A new troubadour in heaven

Here is the text of the homily I wrote for the funeral we celebrated this afternoon: remembering and celebrating the life of one of our most long-standing parishioners even as we commend her eternal soul into the loving arms of our God.

Funeral homily for Nellie Knight

Nellie’s children, her grandchildren and great-grandchildren have come today to pray with our family of faith, to give thanks to God for Nellie’s life and to commend her eternal soul into the loving arms of our God.

Together, we raise our voices in songs of praise and thanksgiving to our God for all the wonderful years that we have been privileged to share with Nellie.  Perhaps it’s by happenstance, but I think it’s by God’s providence that she has completed her earthly journey and taken her seat with the heavenly choirs of angels only days before we begin the Season of Advent.  Nellie absolutely adored Christmas: the carols, the music, gatherings with family and friends.  For a heart such as hers – one that is brimming over with love for life - there is always a place at the table for an unexpected guest, there is always enough food to feed a hungry mouth, and even though we may be confined by the limits of physical space, everyone is welcome. As we prepare to celebrate Christmas this year, our joy is all the more because we know that she is now seated at the heavenly banquet (Is 25:6) which awaits all of God’s children.

It might seem strange to some who are here today to think of this day as an occasion for celebration: our hearts are breaking because we will no longer see Nellie in this world, but the faith that she taught us tells us that we are God’s children from the day of our baptism.  Because of this, we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus to new life after he died on the cross will raise us also to the fullness of life and will bring us into his presence in heaven (cf 2 Cor 4:14).

For 37 years after her husband Cecil died, Nellie continued to be a source of inspiration and wisdom for her family and friends.  In the latter years of her life, she was physically constrained due to the effects of a stroke, but even though her physical body was compromised, it seemed as though her inner self was being renewed day by day (2 Cor 4:16).  Every one of her family members learned to play cards while sitting at a table with her.  She never forgot the rules.  In fact, aside from feeding people, she loved nothing more than to shuffle the deck.  Time spent with her was never wasted.  In fact, it was a precious gift for those who had the privilege, to learn a special kind of wisdom: the simple wisdom that comes from spending time with those we love, the wisdom that is shared willingly with those we love.

Always cherish the moments you were able to share with her.  Always treasure the words she spoke and the lessons she taught.  Times like this remind us all that life here on earth is a very fragile thing.  It lasts for a number of years which might seem a very long time but it passes with remarkable speed.  Eventually, when the earthly tent we live in is folded up (2 Cor 5:1) all that we see and touch today will be no more, but we have the promise of our God that there is another home for us in a house not made with human hands, an eternal home in the heavens.

Nellie spent a little more than nine decades on this earth – most of those years right here in North Bay.  By comparison, Jesus spent only a very short period of time with his disciples, yet even in those short three years, the disciples had come to know and to trust him, even to love him, so when he knew that the time was near for him to be separated from them, they were afraid: afraid of the future, afraid of having to go on without him.  There’s a part of our hearts too that is afraid at this very moment because we can’t imagine a world without Nellie in it.  Gathered here around the table of the Eucharist, Jesus speaks to us just as he spoke to the disciples: Do not let your hearts be troubled (Jn 14:1).  This parish community was always a part of Nellie’s life, and we continue to be a part of the lives of all those who come here seeking the support and love of their brothers and sisters in faith.

Jesus has prepared a place for our sister in the Father’s house, and he will also prepare a place for each one of us.  While we await the day of our calling, we continue to follow the way that he points out to us, looking to him in times of doubt so that we can learn the truth from him, so that we can be guided by the light of our faith and so that we can walk in his light until the day that we ourselves know the fullness of life in his presence.

Mass at the Shrine of the Martyrs of Uganda

At 8:30am today, the Holy Father, Pope Francis paid a visit to the Namugongo Anglican Shrine, which stands on the site of the martyrdom of twenty-five Ugandans, Catholic and Anglican (killed between 1885 and 1887), whose relics are kept in a chapel adjacent to the sacred building, a few metres from the Catholic Shrine.

Welcomed by the local Anglican Archbishop, the Pope unveiled a plaque commemorating the sacrifice of the Martyrs and went to the place in which they had been condemned, tortured and killed.  After a few moments of silent prayer, the Holy Father said his goodbyes and then traveled by car to the Catholic Shrine.

Pope Francis soon reached the nearby Catholic Shrine of the Martyrs of Uganda at Namugongo.

Welcomed there by the Rector, the Pope entered the Basilica and paused in prayer before the Altar where the relics of Saint Charles Lwanga (1865-1886), the most well-known of the Ugandan Martyrs, killed during the anti-Christian persecutions in that country, are kept.

At 9:30 this morning, in the area beside the Catholic Shrine in Namugongo, the Holy Father, Pope Francis presided at the celebration of the votive Mass of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs, marking the 50th anniversary of their Canonization, which took place in Rome on October 18, 1964.

Homily of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
for the Votive Mass of Saints Charles Lwanga and Companions

You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8).

From the age of the Apostles to our own day, a great cloud of witnesses has been raised up to proclaim Jesus and show forth the power of the Holy Spirit. Today, we recall with gratitude the sacrifice of the Uganda martyrs, whose witness of love for Christ and his Church has truly gone to the end of the earth. We remember also the Anglican martyrs whose deaths for Christ testify to the ecumenism of blood. All these witnesses nurtured the gift of the Holy Spirit in their lives and freely gave testimony of their faith in Jesus Christ, even at the cost of their lives, many at such a young age.

We too have received the gift of the Spirit, to make us sons and daughters of God, but also so that we may bear witness to Jesus and make him known and loved everywhere. We received the Spirit when we were reborn in Baptism, and we were strengthened by his gifts at our Confirmation. Every day we are called to deepen the Holy Spirit’s presence in our life, to fan into flame the gift of his divine love so that we may be a source of wisdom and strength to others.

The gift of the Holy Spirit is a gift which is meant to be shared. It unites us to one another as believers and living members of Christ’s mystical Body. We do not receive the gift of the Spirit for ourselves alone, but to build up one another in faith, hope and love. I think of Saints Joseph Mkasa and Charles Lwanga, who after being catechized by others, wanted to pass on the gift they had received. They did this in dangerous times. Not only were their lives threatened but so too were the lives of the younger boys under their care. Because they had tended to their faith and deepened their love of God, they were fearless in bringing Christ to others, even at the cost of their lives. Their faith became witness; today, venerated as martyrs, their example continues to inspire people throughout the world. They continue to proclaim Jesus Christ and the power of his Cross.

If, like the martyrs, we daily fan into flame the gift of the Spirit who dwells in our hearts, then we will surely become the missionary disciples which Christ calls us to be. To our families and friends certainly, but also to those whom we do not know, especially those who might be unfriendly, even hostile, to us. This openness to others begins first in the family, in our homes where charity and forgiveness are learned, and the mercy and love of God made known in our parents’ love. It finds expression too in our care for the elderly and the poor, the widowed and the orphaned.

The witness of the martyrs shows to all who have heard their story, then and now, that the worldly pleasures and earthly power do not bring lasting joy or peace. Rather, fidelity to God, honesty and integrity of life, and genuine concern for the good of others bring us that peace which the world cannot give. This does not diminish our concern for this world, as if we only look to the life to come. Instead, it gives purpose to our lives in this world, and helps us to reach out to those in need, to cooperate with others for the common good, and to build a more just society which promotes human dignity, defends God’s gift of life and protects the wonders of nature, his creation and our common home.

Dear brothers and sisters, this is the legacy which you have received from the Uganda martyrs – lives marked by the power of the Holy Spirit, lives which witness even now to the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This legacy is not served by an occasional remembrance, or by being enshrined in a museum as a precious jewel. Rather, we honour them, and all the saints, when we carry on their witness to Christ, in our homes and neighbourhoods, in our workplaces and civil society, whether we never leave our homes or we go to the farthest corner of the world.

May the Uganda martyrs, together with Mary, Mother of the Church, intercede for us, and may the Holy Spirit kindle within us the fire of his divine love!

Omukama Abawe Omukisa!
God bless you!

At the conclusion of the Mass, following some words of gratitude spoken by the Archbishop of Kampala, His Excellency, Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, and the final blessing, the Pope returned to the Apostolic Nunciature.